Friday, April 19, 2013

Packing a Hospital or Birth Bag

For whatever reason, I got a strong urge the other day to start to put together our hospital bag. We are still roughly 10 weeks ago from our targeted due date but after reading a couple birth stories about baby coming in month 7 or 8, I am inclined to have it ready just in case. I put together a list based on ideas from other moms and from what I knew I personally wanted to each list might be a little different but feel free to use this as a starting point or template.

What to bring/pack:

Phone chargers
Insurance ID & any hospital paperwork
Reusable bag (for gifts, etc.)
Music & any other birthing materials/images
Birth plan copies
Baby's memory book
Gift(s) for the nurses - Not totally necessary but a nice gesture

Car seat & base installed
Receiving blankets

Flip flips (if not wearing them to)
Bathrobe - Most hospitals have these so you can likely avoid packing this one
Clothes for labor - Hospitals provide the gown but if you want to wear your own clothes
Bathing suit for tub labor (if planning)
Underwear - Go get some comfortable black briefs
Outfits for mom - Two outfits are probably sufficient and I will likely just pack yoga pants and tank tops
Outfits for dad
Outfits for baby - You might be surprised at how many you go through
Baby nail clippers - Not all hospitals have them
Hat for baby - I am not a big fan of the hospital hats (purely based off looks) so I will bring some of our own

Toiletries for showering, etc.
Pillows - I will probably bring at least 3
Cot or sleeping pad & sleeping bag for dad - We have a cot and it's much more comfortable than a stiff hospital couch but this is totally personal preference

Breast pads
Nipple cream
Nursing tanks & bras
Gel pads
Nursing pillow
Breast pump

What not to bring/pack: 
Certain medications - check with your Dr. on these
Your own pads - Unless you're pads are way better than what they might provide at the hospital, you can leave these at home
Diapers and wipes - The hospital provides these

Even looking at my list, it seems like a lot! Try not to over pack and if there are items you think you can leave off your list, by all means, do. Remember that when you get home with that beautiful newborn baby, you are going to need to unpack and you will probably not be in the mood or have the stamina to put everything away if you packed like a hoarder. 

Feel free to add your own comments, thoughts or items below based on your experience or what you've heard from other parents!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great list, Lauren!
    I would just add chap stick and lotion to the list as it gets pretty dry in hospitals.
    Also, you may want to wait to bring a gift/goodies for the nursing staff after you have the baby. I brought them cookies a week or two after I left and they really appreciated getting to see the baby again!


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