Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Meal Registry

I have quite a few friends who've had baby's recently and only a couple of them had meal registry's set up. I think it's something that new mom's to be don't necessarily think about but doesn't hurt to go ahead and do. And here's the deal: people WANT to bring you food. They WANT to help you right after your baby is born and this is a great way for them to do that. It is not overly selfish or weird to set one up and tell friends about it.

A meal registry is super easy to create and what I like about it is it informs people what you are allergic to or what you don't like/won't eat. Plus people can pick what days they want to bring something for you so you don't get 5 meals all on one night. People are going to bring you food and this is just a way for them to organize when and what they bring. The only challenging thing with setting up a registry is knowing when you need the meals as baby's due date is usually unknown. However, if you're really good, you can go back in and update the dates after baby's arrival.

The meal registry site I like the best is MealBaby (and no, this is not an endorsed post). It's free and simple to use (on both the giver and receiver ends) but there are other sites as well that do the same thing if you just do an internet search. On MealBaby, you can also select specific restaurant gift cards to give if someone doesn't want to actually cook anything.

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