Saturday, April 6, 2013

Need or Not? The Diaper Bag

When purchasing a diaper bag, you should look for one that is large and has a lot of pockets and compartments. Since it will many times double up as a purse, you may also want something at least semi-stylish since you'll be toting it around for probably many years to come.

Before having my baby, I researched what things I'd need in my diaper bag. Here is what I ended up actually using. I have listed items at both the newborn stage and the 6+ months stage:


-extra diapers, 10 or so
-pack of wipes
-a couple extra pairs of clothes for baby
-extra pair of socks
-extra warm hat
-extra blanket
-extra burp cloth or two
-disposable changing pads or a waterproof travel pad
-changing head pillow
-baby health kit, including thermometer, nail clips, hair brush
-hand sanitizer
-foldable baby sling
-diaper cream
-extra shirt for you in case baby makes a mess of the one you're wearing
-bottle of water for yourself
-if breast feeding: nursing cover, lanolin (for sore nips), nipple leak bra pads
-if bottle feeding: extra bottle and formula
For the car:
-nursing pillow

In the very beginning after giving birth, you may also want to pack extra maxi pads/panty liners and your painkillers/vitamins.
It's much easier to use the diaper bag as your purse, especially when you are still recovering and having to lug around the car seat too. So I made sure to also pack my wallet, cell phone, chap stick, lotion, and anything else I usually carry in my purse.

6 Months and Older

-extra diapers, 5 or so
-pack of wipes
-extra pair of clothes for baby
-extra socks
-extra hat, weather dependent
-burp cloth
-changing pad
-baby health kit, including hairbrush, thermometer, nail clips
-hand sanitizer
-a few toys
-baby food, which may include oatmeal, rice, canned food, puffs and formula
-spoon and food container
-if still nursing: nursing cover
-baby vitamin drops (we use a multi-vitamin with vitamin K)
-baby lotion and/or diaper cream
-hair accessories, if applicable
-bottle of water for yourself
For the car:
-grocery cart cover
-pack n' play

You may or may not use the diaper bag as your purse at this point because it might be moved around more often as different people take care of the baby. You will probably also stop carrying around the car seat since baby is usually big enough to sit in a grocery cart or high chair and may not be spending as much time in the seat as before.

Through your own experience with your baby, you will find the things you may or may not need that best suit your situation. These are just the things I have found useful, and I hope they help you in preparing your own diaper bag.


  1. Yay! Thank you for posting this! I just bought a diaper bag and wasn't sure if it'd be big enough and wanted to do a trial run with everything in it to see.

  2. This is a great list! I have my diaper bag, but I need to now getting everything that goes in it and make sure it will work. Thanks!


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