Sunday, March 10, 2013

Old Wives Tales - Gender/Sex Prediction

I am currently a little over three months pregnant. At this point the one thing that consumes my mind the most (other than the constant, "is he/she ok still?") is the gender of our baby. My husband and I struggled to get pregnant, so above all things we just want a healthy baby. But as some of you can probably relate to, I'm a planner. I want to know the gender ASAP so that I can buy gender-related clothes and baby items, pick out a scheme for our nursery, and finalize our baby's name. As a way to fill the time until our ultrasound (which should occur between 16 and 20 weeks) I recently googled Old Wives Tales to see what they might say.

The following are some old wives tales I've found (although be warned, variations of each certainly exist so if you've heard of one a bit different it's no surprise):
  1. Baby Bump: If you carry high, it's a GIRL; if you carry low, it's a BOY.
  2. Heart Rate: If your baby's heart rate is 140 BPM or higher, it's a GIRL; if it's lower than 140 BPM, it's a BOY.
  3. Cravings: If you crave sweet foods like ice cream, it's a GIRL; if you crave salty or sour foods, it's a BOY.
  4. Chinese Birth Chart: If you visit HERE you can find out what the Chinese would predict the gender of your baby is, based upon how old you are and the month you conceived.
  5. Mayan Births: Look at your age and the year you conceived. If both are even number or both are odd numbers, it's a GIRL; if both vary, for instance if you're 29 but conceived in 2012, it's a BOY.
  6. Zits: If your acne has increased since pregnancy, it's a GIRL; if your face looks awesome, it's a BOY.
  7. Morning Sickness: If you've had bad morning sickness, it's a GIRL; if you haven't had morning sickness, it's a BOY.
  8. Drano Test: Pee in a cup and then add a tablespoon of Drano; if it turns green, it's a GIRL; if it turns blue, it's a BOY. Warning: do NOT put the Drano in first or risk burning your girlie parts.
  9. Ring on a String Test: If you tie your wedding ring to a string and hang it over your pregnant belly, if it goes back and forth, it's a GIRL; if it goes in a circle, it's a BOY.
I did many of these for myself and got a variety of BOY and GIRL answers, and it's likely you will too. If anything, it's just a fun way to waste time until an ultrasound tells you for sure.

Other gender predictions I've heard of are:
  1. The only true way to tell the gender is if your breasts grow a lot, it's a GIRL; and if they don't, it's a BOY.
  2. If your placenta/chorionic villis are placed on the left side of the uterus, it's a GIRL; if they are on the right side, it's a BOY.
What gender prediction methods have you heard of or tried? Were they true for you?

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